Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kilos vs Pounds

Instead of going to Laduree to buy my favorite macaroons, I chose to have my big purchase of the day be a scale ... yes, a lot less tasty. But I figure the French are known for eating, drinking and smoking, and I should probably make sure that I have something to keep me on track and make sure that my cheese addiction does not get out of hand. :) In France there are more cheeses than days of the year!

So the scales have one benefit, they are in kilos instead of pounds - so instantly you are half the weight (1kilo is 2.2 pds), not bad! When was the last time your weight was in double digits? I guess the only downfall is losing a kilo is not as easy as losing a pound, which when you are dieting makes motivation a little more difficult, and if you gain a kilo - that's definitely not a good thing!


  1. Kilos of macaroons and cheese sound good to me.

  2. Recommend some yummy new cheeses that you do try ;) I love cheese!!
