Sunday, August 8, 2010


I'm still figuring out the subway system but I have to say so far, I am pretty impressed! Now, I know that Boston's subway system is one of the first in the US, but Paris is a much older city and they have it figured out.

My favorite thing, you know how much time till the next two trains! Genius!

Approximately 50% of Parisians leave Paris during the months of July and August. Another 30% arrive as tourist. So they say the City is about 20% empty compared to the rest of the year. For the poor souls who do not get to travel to the south of France or other exotic or non-exotic destinations, the City creates artificial beaches along the Seine called Paris-Plages (Paris-Beaches). Every day from 8AM till midnight, the roadways are blocked for activities and some areas are even created to look like actual beaches with sand and palm trees and all ... it's not fooling anyone but I guess it's kind of neat to be sitting on sand under palm trees staring at Notre Dame - a great view if I do say so myself. People sunbathe, relax on the edge of the river, play an abundant amount of different games, and of course lots of eating and drinking.

And some people sleep. :)

And for my friends at City Hall, these are just a few pictures of L'Hotel de Ville (City Hall).

Activites on City Hall Plaza! :)


  1. That City Hall buidling is so beautiful! I love how they turn certain areas into a "beach" and cater to the residents and tourists with fun things to do during the summer months. Great pictures!! I miss you!!

  2. Love your pictures Anouk - it's taking me back to my very short vacation there with Sam this summer!! Can't wait to keep reading and envying you for all the things I wish I was there doing in Paris. And like you I love the time board in the subway stations- have you seen that they also have them at the bus stops? Amazing.
